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Join date : 2021-10-07

the fake freedom of the West Empty the fake freedom of the West

Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:55 pm

Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks as he seeks research funds


comment by Frank :
It was the leading “capitalists” of the world which made and funded the communist boogeyman threat and doomsday scenario in order to carry out their own exploits for more and more control over us and our systems all in the name of some kind of holy “freedom”.

When you say “Freeing” the freeing for whom? “Freeing” for all of those who made millions even billions with their off-shore ventures and investments beginning in 1979 into communist China in the name of “free trade”, while outsourcing (i.e., exporting) hundreds of billions in dollars, plus hundreds of millions of jobs and entire industries? That is an example of your “free enterprise” which makes for progress right? As long as it make profits for those who want to invest, right? That is really the basis of your idea of freedom.

In order to make their millions and billions, they in fact used our Western markets at the same time of all of this outsourcing huge drainage of our nations to make their profits. However, it is doubtful that this does not really register with you, just as with all of the so-called “free-enterprise” financial experts on Youtube. But such investments are okay because it is “free trade” right. Tariffs and countervailing economic checks and balances are just too socialist for you and against that Masonic WASP profit incentive of the “here-and-now” business class of the West, right?

When it came to the issue of the burgeoning huge trade deficits with that totalitarian communist prodigy nation of the Rockefellers and the Rothschild’s, which turned our Western nations from creditor nations into debtor nations in just 20 years, you “freedom” maniacs thought that our spiralling internal domestic deficits had nothing to do with all the outsourcing, while taking your advice from all of the crooks and idiots on Wall Street, in the Fed, the London Square Mile and in Washington of course.

So how are your stocks in Walmart? Apart from proper protective tariffs which would have saved the day for us from the insane “free-enterprise” gold rush to China, do you not realize that with the huge multinationals like GE setting up shop in that nation, that most of their profits stayed offshore “free” of taxes and that there is more wealth now stored in off-shore holdings than by owners in their own nations such as in places like the US?

Do you know what made the globalist transnational and multinational NWO and Davos jet set who are systematically trying to dismantle our nations to restructure the world mainly for their continued elitist profits? It is mainly the banksters and the multinationals who have deluded themselves and misled the rest of the world that their “freedom” to control things in their interests with “free trade”, “free” open borders, and an entire leveling of wages and of our standards of living (i.e., Pope Francis), to be competitive (i.e., a leveling equality called “fairness”).

But do you know what fakes they really are, those who trot out China as a marvel of hard work, thrift, and productivity? In order to make their prodigy nation look really good on the global stage, these globalist bastards never mention the huge outsourcing of our Western capital, technology, industries, know-how, and jobs, including or our inability to produce very much of anything of value these days, except some internet programs, crypto, and movies to maintain the fakery, and of course weapons mainly for the MIC and our third-world markets to maintain a constant level of hostility and division around the globe. No, they do not want you to have the “freedom” to look squarely at any of these facts or to their hand in reaping profits in the exploitation of our OUR WESTERN MARKETS to make their totalitarian, corporate-run communism China look good on the world stage.

This globalist BS mess grew right out of the Rothschild brain trust for a New World Order with their dynasties in control of finances, resources, production, consumption and trade. That is how “free” it is. All of the people who made millions with their Chinese investments thinking that “free trade” is such a wonderful thing are nothing but extremely self-centred, and short-sighted dupes. They expect now an “evolution” in the shifting of the economic power of the West to their golden-goose prodigy totalitarian China which made especially the oligarch families richer even than with the opium trade in the 19th century. However, with their pretext sustainability Agendas for their New World Order, all they will do is drive the entire world into economic depression. Right now, with their fiasco Covid pandemic we are running on the fumes of fiat.

It is a totally fake dichotomy mainly advanced by the Rothschild brain trust to pit communism (which does not work) against capitalism (which has to be controlled), when it is clear that it is the people in any truly democratic society who ought to own their own nations and who ought to determine themselves the proper balances to maximise economic growth in their nations, “free” of all of the debt-rigging, and the manipulations of the Few to concentrate more and more power and wealth into their hands. Any actual “free” nation would have these exploiters in irons, every single one of them, sycophants and sociopaths and all locked down and locked up, and you can include the dopy dwarf out of Snow White (Francis) in that lot as well. If he wants to stay out of irons in the future then he ought to take a look at Catholic teaching regarding subsidiarity which essentially is safeguards against monopolies, cartels and trusts with laws to ensure that which can be done by the less is not rendered to the greater, which is not socialism.

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