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Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes Empty Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes

Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:18 am

Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes Chump10

Aurorus says:
July 20, 2024 at 8:59 pm GMT • 1.1 days ago
@Ron Unz
Mr Unz,

Your argument is that the assassination attempt failed, therefore it must be the work of a lone gunman amateur. Any conspiracy would have a 100% chance of success. Therefore, this entire event can be explained away as Crooks showing up on the exact day when the Secret Service stripped down Trump’s detail to a skeleton crew of short, fat women who cannot holster their weapons, Because of this incompetence, Crooks was able to surveil the site via drone (a $75 Walmart technology apparently too advanced to be deployed or countered by the U.S. Secret Service) in what should have been restricted airspace, but which was not for inexplicable reasons. He then found that the best possible location from which to shoot the Secret Services’ protectee was unmanned and unguarded. He carried or found a ladder or he used an air-conditioning unit to climb onto this roof with a rifle in plain view of hundreds or thousands of people: this after 2 prior warnings had been issued from police about his presence and his suspicious nature. He crawled around on this building for at least 10 minutes (with police inside) and Secret Service (supposedly… though their uniforms read, “Police”) snipers watching him. In fact, apparently, at least one counter-sniper watched Crooks stare back at him with a range-finder. In fact, the only police to response to the sniper on the roof in plain view of thousands of people and most of Trump’s protection team were the local Butler police who were assigned to traffic duty: so loud and obvious were the calls of the crowd that there was a sniper on the roof that the traffic cops had time to leave their traffic duties, wander around the building for several minutes, and then try to climb up onto the roof, only to fall down when Crooks pointed his rifle at him. They radioed this in on an open channel at least 10 seconds before the gunman shot at Trump, and still the counter sniper teams refused to engage (even after this man pointed a rifle at a policeman… try that on a street corner and see what happens… to say nothing of a presidential campaign event).

Nonsense. This was completely planned. I know the short, fat women make the whole thing look like Keystone Cops, but even the Keystone Cops would not have been this bad.

Last edited by BowLah on Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2021-10-07

Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes Empty Re: Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:15 am

I will not go into all the unbelievable details as so much has already been exposed. Clearly, it is not incompetence at play on that Saturday that caused the result in Butler. Two camps of nonbelievers have emerged, the one that blames a false flag coverup on the current leftist regime that has demonized Trump for years and will do anything and everything to stop him from taking the White House again, even resort to trying to murder him. This is what the Trump camp wants you to believe. That the Trump train is unstoppable and American MAGA patriots under Trump’s leadership will restore America to its greatness, its constitutional republic liberties. Yeah, those dirty leftist Democrats conspired to assassinate the “populist” Trump with big help from the Secret Service, the Justice Department, Homeland Security and FBI, all so blatantly weaponized against him for over four years of persecution. Perhaps more Americans fall into this crowd than buying the lone gunman lies.

But there’s one more group of Americans that agree the shooting was clearly a false flag, and that Thomas Crooks did not act alone. This emerging group assessing available evidence as it emerges is ready to call it an inside job, with Trump’s collusion. Trump and his team of insiders were in on this charade from the get-go, staging this false flag that was amateurishly put together to point fingers at DEI-hard Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Biden putting Trump “in a bullseye,” and all this leftist Trump haters out there. The perfect setup by Trump and his insider team. But over the last week a number of viewers perusing through emerging evidence is now realizing that yep, Trump was in fact in on it. The evidence that more than one shooter was involved, that a bullet grazing an ear actually bleeds not just a trickle but with gravity it would be flowing down and be extremely visible to everyone. Dr. Rima Laibow has articulated this medical anomaly well. Miles Mathis astute and thorough digging for plausible truth is also eye-opening. And all those eyewitnesses cannot be refuted nor discarded. Many of us have been pointing out so many unexplained discrepancies, inconsistencies and anomalies all pointing to Trump the showboat actor on center stage in a real staged plot that only thickens with time.

At his own GOP convention last week, let’s examine Trump’s own words recounting what happened to him on July 13th:

I moved my right hand to my ear brought it down. My hand was covered with blood absolutely blood all over the place.

Yet after he went down, when he re-emerged an instant later with supposed secret service agents all around him and raised his right hand and fist, there was no blood visible, absolutely zero blood visible on his hand or arm. It’s very clear in the video. So Trump appears to be caught in a boldface lie trying to con the American people and entire world about bleeding profusely when he in fact he did not.

Video  of "blood all over the place" :
Posts : 220
Join date : 2021-10-07

Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes Empty Re: Fake drama b4 fake election in the land of fakes

Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:03 pm

WHY the organized crime system running “government” on the population would fake an assassination attempt on the puppet actor playing the “president.”


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